REACH Interview Series: Tal Ben-Shahar

Tal Ben-Shahar is an American and Israeli teacher and writer in the areas of positive psychology and leadership. As a lecturer at Harvard University, Tal created two of the most popular courses in Harvard’s history. He has subsequently written several best-selling books and in 2011 co-founded Potentialife with Angus Ridgway, a company that provides leadership programs based on the science of behavioral change to organizations, schools and sports organizations globally. What you might not know about Tal is that he was a nationally ranked and championship squash player at Harvard as an undergraduate and that he and I were colleagues in the same Ph.D. program at Harvard, in Organizational Behavior and Psychology.

The Reach Interview Series is an informal dialogue between Andy Molinsky and respected thought leaders about the challenges of stepping outside your comfort zone, especially in the process of developing yourself as a leader.


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