REACH Interview Series: Kristi Faulkner

The Reach Interview Series is an informal dialogue between me and respected thought leaders around the theme of my new book, Reach: A New Strategy to Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone, Rise to the Challenge and Build Confidence.

It’s not easy as a young professional, to constantly worry your fledgling ideas will be shot down and you’ll feel like an imposter for even suggesting them in the first place. But that’s where Kristi Faulkner was initially starting out in the NYC marketing world – well before her current role as president and co-founder of Womenkind, an award-winning strategic communications firm providing insight and creative solutions to companies who must increase their relevance and appeal to women. In this video, Kristi details her rise from timid newcomer to seasoned executive, focusing on the comfort zone challenges she faced along the way.


Reach A New Strategy to Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone 

Prescriptive and based not only on my groundbreaking research but on my own quest to get out of my comfort zone, Reach will help you take the thing you are most afraid of doing and make it a proud part of your personal repertoire.

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